Isabelle Schad

The dancer and choreographer Isabelle Schad studied classical dance in Stuttgart and worked with a number of choreographers until starting her own projects in 1999. Her work focuses on the body and its materiality, the relationship between body, choreography and (re)presentation, community building and political involvement. Her projects work at the interface of dance, performance and visual arts and are presented in international festivals such as Internationale Tanzwoche Wien, Tanz im August, International Arts Festival Beijing, Impulstanzfestival, amongst others. In addition, she had several collaborations with Goethe Institutes and is frequently invited to German dance platforms. In 2003, she founded the international artists’ network and project Good Work with Bruno Pocheron and Ben Anderson, and she is part of the project Practicable, with which she realized the group pieces Glazba and Musik in 2010 and 2011. Schad is co-director of the working space Wiesenburg-Halle in Berlin and since 2013 isalso a Zen Shiatsu Practitioner. In addition, she has worked closely and continuously with Laurent Goldring. In 2015 they presented the retrospective On Visibility and Amplifications at HAU Hebbel am Ufer, including their works An Un-Folding Process, Der Bau, Unturtled #1 & #4 and Collective Jumps, which was premiered in 2014 at HAU. In the fall of 2015, she was again invited with Fugen and in 2016 with Pieces and Elements. In 2017, Turning Solo premiered at HAU and was presented in combination with Double Portrait.